The GB is like a chick in a really short mini-skirt just desperately trying to cover their ass.
No matter how hard you try, there just ain't enough fabric to keep covering up your naughty bits.
This change just gave us a flash, UH OH!
the last four years:.
with all the changes in the 'generation', 'sealing', doctines, etc.
- there have been unexpected [i imagine] jumps in this number.
The GB is like a chick in a really short mini-skirt just desperately trying to cover their ass.
No matter how hard you try, there just ain't enough fabric to keep covering up your naughty bits.
This change just gave us a flash, UH OH!
last week as i listened to the public talk, i noticed.
that several times the speaker referred to the watchtower.
as the source of authority.. he said that "in the july1, 1980 watchtower page 15. paragraph 4 it says".... it is like he was looking up a bible.
NANANANANA you need a reality check!
What do you think using wash-towel literature here will do, convert us all back?
Maybe instead of the watchtowers, reasoning book, insight book and so on you could see what the WTBT$ really is.
But wait, you're not suppose to look at anything else, in fact just being on this sight is a disfellowshipping offence under brazen conduct; looks like you’re in an isolating cult then, SORRY.
last week as i listened to the public talk, i noticed.
that several times the speaker referred to the watchtower.
as the source of authority.. he said that "in the july1, 1980 watchtower page 15. paragraph 4 it says".... it is like he was looking up a bible.
I remember when I was little my grandmother would say to never miss the watchtower study because above all else it was the most important. I never quite understood, but I knew I didn't like the watchtower study, or the literature.
Now as an adult I can see why it is so important.
If the public doesn't believe they need the WTBT$, then how do you keep your publishing company open? You'll lose all your donated tax-free money and volunteer slave labor.
No! No! No! That can’t happen! So you must indoctrinate, you must convince them you are the highest earthly authority. Their minds must be controlled to think the bible is only a guide and with out the watchtower’s understanding it is nothing. They must be brainwashed to believe everything you say is truth without question; watchtower is KING!
been off the board for about 6 days or so battling a nasty bout of vertigo that hit me early this week.
at least my heads not spinning so i can think straight now to type a thread.
in this article titled, " maintain a complete heart towards jehovah " ( which should be called ' maintain a complete heart towards the wt society ) - wt society uses a lame illustration of a field laborer desiring family - yet missapplies this to jw's desiring " things of satan's world".. on page 15 it states, " a field laborer is busy plowing.
Sometimes I imagine the writing con-nittee sitting around discussing just how to push the CRAZY envelope.
The best part is most witlesses haven’t noticed!
That’s some good ol’ fashioned mind control right there, cause nothin’ says love and truth like unjustified obligatory blind servitude!
The guy must be pretty messed up to even get de'effed, because you don't even get de'effed for molesting a child; he must have been uber-crazy and spoke out against the wash-towel.
In all seriousness, the man needs help and maybe he tried to reach out for it in the conned-green-nation but got shoved aside.
The entire situation is just sad.
anybody know about a brother h. latchman in fl.
a jw elder was talking to me about him.
he was so impressed with the fact that he was a. sub.
This is yet another example of blatant hypocrisy within the borganization.
They're like a moocher who looks down their nose at you when you want to go to college, start a business or better yourself in any way, but when you become established they're your best friend because you earn/have money, are educated and have a measure of worldly success, influence and power.
firstly a few rules.. - increase in numbers primary goal.
- new laws must feel the same as past ones.. - cant revolutionize and feel mainstream, .
- changing doctrine acceptable, only cant change everything at once.
Maybe clothes free Fridays?
You know to prepare for "paradise", cause Adam and Eve were nekkid in paradise.
It would make wandering neighborhoods in trench coats a bit more fun (increasing field circus activity).
Some of the more attractive witlesses would get more "donations from listeners” (upping revenue).
Instead of hearing people hiding when you go to the door, you'll hear someone saying, “quick gimme some ones!”.
i've just posted a new blog article to on the link below:.
the purpose behind the article is to explore my own doubts and long-standing confusion over the genesis narrative - particularly the events surrounding adam and eve's expulsion from eden, and the "two trees" (namely the "tree of life" and the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad").. in my article i discuss my confusion over what the exact properties of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad" may have been, and the fact that evidently by eating of the fruit adam and eve did not become sinful but more godlike.
There are so many holes in the contemporary bible it's not funny.
If you believe the story of Adam and Eve you must ask, if they were created perfect without flaw, why did they need to be tested? Wouldn't perfection make it impossible for them to sin in the first place?
Then it leads to the question is God imperfect himself, did he create them imperfectly or is God perfect but created them to be imperfect?
Either way you look at it, it now causes dissonance throughout the entire bible.
From this other questions, such as the ones cedars mentioned, start to pile up. What’s unfortunate is there’s no concrete answer, not from the bible anyway.
the given understanding of the bible account at acts 15 regarding the circumcision issue is that a "governing body" resolved the issue.
is this assertion based on scriptural evidence?
while jesus walked the earth, some of his apostles were contentious with each other regarding who would be superior to the others.
Nope, no mention of a worldwide brother hood or a unified (organized) religion either.
I've always wondered; if at the next convention they said to go out and start buying guns and ammo for the great day of ethnic cleansing of Jehovah, how many would actually do it?
The scary part is you probably know of a witless who would.